Friday, March 13, 2015

Hard Surface Modeling class 1 complete.

For starters, this semester flew by so quickly.

Ten weeks. Like it was nothing.

I encountered a few challenges while taking this class.

  • What to pick for the final project.

I went from wanting to do a motorcycle (too difficult), to a gramophone (too easy), to a diving helmet (don't even want to talk about it ;)). Eventually I ended up modeling a gun. Something I really didn't want to do because I thought it was so un-original.
In the end, the gun I ended up modeling was actually a really nice challenge, and I am proud of the outcome.

I think the reason why I had such a hard time picking a project is purely inexperience, it led me to either over or under estimate how much time a particular model would take me to make.

Eventually I realized that it will always take longer than I initially think. If I think it will take an hour, it will probably take three. Of course as time goes on, skills improve and the process goes faster.
What took me an hour ten weeks ago, I can do in fifteen minutes now.

  • Where to start.

Too many days were spent not getting much of anything done, because I had what I called: 'modeler's block'. I compare it to writer's block. Staring at the screen, but not knowing where to start or what to do exactly. I knew the techniques, just had to put them to use now.

Eventually I moved passed it. I've learned to break the model down into simple shapes. Start with a cube, cylinder, sphere, etc, then go from there. Draw it out if I get stuck. Watch a tutorial or two on a similar subject, then apply those techniques to my own model. It worked, and I actually started to enjoy the process.

I'm going to take a break from modeling classes for now, but perhaps will do a creature or character design class in the future. On the schedule for this coming semester are texturing and shading 2 and a class on environment design for video games. The last one is the reason I joined Gnomon school of visual effects. So I am excited to start the next semester.

Onward and Upwards!

Note: The model actually isn't as condense as it shows on the wireframe render, just haven't quite figured out how to change the settings. :/