Monday, July 20, 2015

New Concept and WIP

These past few weeks have been pretty busy with school work. The pace of this class (environment design for video games) is definitely faster than I have experienced so far. I like it though, it's a great challenge.

I ended up switching concepts half way during my first week. One, because the concept just didn't 'excite' me much. Secondly, I felt that the amount of reference materials available was limited. Thankfully my teacher had originally approved several concepts, and a new choice was made quickly.

I decided to go with a medieval street scene.

Since some of the scene is hidden, I feel that I can be more creative and fill in the blanks.
I also really like the lighting in this shot.

Right now I am working on finishing up the overall composition, and I started on greybox modeling.

It's definitely a different process than hard surface modeling. Some items still get made the same way (edge loops, smooth, etc), yet others just get bevels. Also I need to keep focusing on modeling as efficient as possible. Game engines have limited capabilities, so low poly modeling is key.

Whatever techniques I use, there is still so much modeling to be done. I am trying to use mostly modular pieces for the houses and walls, but at the same time adding plenty of variety so it doesn't look like I'm repeating models/props.

I'm hoping to finish up all the major modeling before next Monday so I can start sculpting and refining my center pieces.

Then it's on to texturing. Aiming to start that by week 5 or 6.

I am putting in a lot of time, trying to stay with the class and their pace. We shall see how the semester progresses.

My WIP so far.

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