Friday, July 10, 2015

Re-adjusted Final Texturing and Shading

After our final class for texturing and shading we actually were giving the chance to address our notes and re-submit for a better grade.
Of course I took that opportunity with both hands.

My teacher actually didn't have too much critique, just a few tips and notes.

One was to adjust the gold metal, as it was a little too diffuse.

Another note was to add a little wear and tear on the metal and the leather case.
Something surprisingly easy to do in Photoshop after the final render.

I also had some issues with my shadows, the camera appeared to be floating instead of set on the ground plane. A separate Ambient Occlusion pass fixed this problem.

Finally, I curved the ground plane to make for an overall nicer composition.

3A Kodak Folding Pocket- Model B4 (ca. 1909)

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